Sunday, July 8, 2012


LOUISE    wood sculpture by Candace Knapp       
38 inches x 18 inches x 14 inches   $ 4200.   Photo Bjorn Andren


There is something really wonderful inside of me
I am standing very still,
concentrating and listening.
She’s not ready to come out yet but I know she is there
So I wait.
Clouds drift across the sky.
Day turns into night and then day again.
People whiz by in their cars.
Insects meander through the tall grass on their tiny legs.
Squirrels scamper closer then farther away.
I am so still that the birds don’t notice me anymore.
I listen to the wind.
Something is crawling on my nose but I do not move.
I wait.
She is telling me her secrets.
She is coming out soon.

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